Installed JDownloader recently on my Windows XP SP 3 machine. I received a pop up telling there were 20 updates and I initiated to download all the updates.
To my surprise I saw that it just started a downloaded and some error message popped up and the download window got closed. Now I try to reopen it and it comes up with an error message to update Java version on my PC.
Failed Update detected! It seems that the previous web update failed. Please ensure that your java-version is equal-or above 1.5. More infos at
Java version on my machine is 1.5 and I am not sure which version should I update for this.
Please help.
Answered By
0 points
Jdownloader error message on Windows
Java is fast, secure and reliable it is the reason why most of the software programs these days require Java. And because Java consistently is updated it is possible that the JDownloader requires a more recent version of Java.
Try and go to , the site will detect if your system has the recommended latest version of Java which is Java (Version 6 Update 26). After you have installed the latest version of Java, try to reinstall JDownloader again, if it will ask you to download the updates, please do so. Let it complete the update. That should fix your problem.
Answered By
5 points
Jdownloader error message on Windows
Java is constantly updating and that might be the reason why an error occurred.Â
You must always update Java more frequently. In some cases, some updates could not be downloaded properly and it might be the case on your installation of Jdownload. Redownload the update if it fails to download properly.
It could also be your version of windows, there might be a compatibility issue like the 64 bit version and the 32 bit version. There is a whole lot to consider. Try to find info on the application to avoid problems.
This might help you find info about Jdownloader.
First uninstall the previous one that you installed before trying out the newly downloaded one.
I hope this will help you with your problem.