Just Question About Site Traffic

Are mobile clicks counted on the site traffic? I am running a mobile campaign for my site so i just want to check if it's worth continuing.

Are mobile clicks counted on the site traffic? I am running a mobile campaign for my site so i just want to check if it's worth continuing.
Mobile clicks are definitely counted as a site traffic. If you have a Google adword account you can see that mobile devices and such are included in their statistics.
Many are now using phones that can connect to Internet. Mobile clicks are very good source of traffic. You should continue to do what you are doing. This may help you get your website unique hits and increase your traffic drastically. You should make your website mobile friendly so that their will be an increase of traffic in your site both web and mobile.
It may be a hard work but continue your mobile campaign.
Yes, there is no difference whether a user is using a mobile phone or a regular desktop computer. When a user clicks on an ad, as long as the ad is located within your website or in any of the pages in your website, it will be counted as 1 click per visitor. Nowadays, in the advancement of the mobile phone, it is now hard to track if a user is using a PC or a Smartphone because there is no difference.
Personal computers have high screen resolutions compared to ordinary mobile phones and this is the part that websites depend on to distinguish between a mobile phone and a desktop PC. But nowadays, Smartphones have screen resolutions that match that of a regular personal computer. In this case, websites need to change their method of distinguishing devices.