Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Error

Hi experts,
I don’t know why this message shows. Please help me to solve it.
Thanks a lot.


Hi experts,
I don’t know why this message shows. Please help me to solve it.
Thanks a lot.
Greetings kathy ericks.
This issue is all about installing the updates so your safe run will start when your system starts.
This problem has a solution provided by kaspersky here's the link complete guide on how to solve this issue.
Hello Dear,
There can be different reasons for Safe Run Error.
1. Safe Run Mode is not compatible with Windows XP 64 bit version and also it has some compatibility issues with Windows Vista.
2. Open the Kaspersky. Go to Safe run for Applications and click on clear to clean its cache. Then go to Safe Run for Website and clear its cache also.
3. If that also does not work then update the Kaspersky and also update the windows as it might have file conflict issue with the Operating System.
Good Luck
Patrickk wilkins