while working on the calendar in my MAC machine I am getting the following error it is informing me that it can’t store Keychain can someone tell me what does it mean and how to resolve this issue?
Keychain Not found: A Keychain cannot found to store “sysboy”
Keychain Not found sysboy Mac
Keychain is a password management system of Apple Inc. in Mac OS. It contains various types of data like password,private keys, certificates and secure note for Website, FTP, servers, network shares, Groupware applications. Mac has managed passwords with Keychain after the Mac OS 8.6 was published. You can get your Keychain files into a different location like:
/System/Library/Keychain or youruserfolder/Library/Keychains. You do not have to worry about where they are located because all the Keychain files are combined into Keychain Access.
I think you can solve this problem by synchronizing your password, or reset keychain as default.Read the elaborate Article about how to manage your keychain for Mac at:
Or http://www.mactipsandtricks.com/website/
By reading this link you can manage the problem and set up the Keychain Items for your Mac.