After entering the proper credentials I received the following error message saying “Target not Found: KFWITM388E The link target cannot be found”. I can’t get this in a proper way so I need your assistance to fix it properly. Thanks in advance.
Target not Found
KFWITM388E The link target can not be found.
KFWITM388E link target cannot be found
To resolve that issue, the TT DLA book generate could be forced to use a specific name by modifying the shell/bat script, located at UNIX: <ITMHOME>/<platform code>/to/tosupport/run-dla.sh
WINDOWS: <ITMHOME>tmaitm6totosupportrun-dla.bat
You will need to modify the line that includes "-jar itcamfttdla.jar". Add it to the jar invocation a section "-Dreporternode=<managed_system_name>"
Example: start "ITCAMfT DLA" /D%BATCHDIR% /MIN /SEPARATE /LOW /WAIT %JAVA% -Xmx1400M -Dtopologydir=%TOPOLOGYDIR% -Dreporternode=tivdemo:TO -jar itcamfttdla.jar
After that is done, the DLA Book needs to be regenerated and re-imported back into TBSM.