Know About 500 Server Error Word Press And Its Solution.

I am a beginner and does not know much about Word Press and I am getting 500 server error Word Press, and have tried different versions also. Please guide me to proceed and fix this bug.

I am a beginner and does not know much about Word Press and I am getting 500 server error Word Press, and have tried different versions also. Please guide me to proceed and fix this bug.
For the beginner encountering the 500 server error, Word Press is very common and can occur due to many reasons if you are not clear what the error is about then just follow all the steps
That problem is not definitely from your browser. A “500 Server Error” or “500 Internal Server Error” is a problem with the website particularly the server and you have no control over it. It could be a problem with the page you are trying to access, a script on the page, or the server is undergoing maintenance.
What you can do on your end is to wait for the problem to get fixed. While waiting, you can perform some things to try to troubleshoot the problem in case the problem is with your web browser. First, try press F5 on your keyboard to refresh the page or CTRL + F5 to force refresh the page. If this doesn’t work, try clearing your browser’s cache.
On your browser, press CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE. Check “Browsing history,” “Download history,” and “Cached images and files” except cookie-related item and then click “Clear.” See if this works. If this doesn’t work either, try using a different browser.