Know About 504 Gateway Time-out Error: Server Down

I am always getting 504 gateway time-out error while trying to connect the internet. What does this error mean and how to resolve it, I am trying from many days?

I am always getting 504 gateway time-out error while trying to connect the internet. What does this error mean and how to resolve it, I am trying from many days?
The slow or no internet connection and if it is taking too long time to response, then it says 504 gateway time-out error, and it is not up to you to resolve the issue these are regulated by the IP communication people. However, you can contact your operator if the error persists he might suggest you for changing router. Sometimes this error is temporary Error and can be resolved on its own, you don’t need to worry about.
The 504 error in websites is an HTTP status code which means one server didn’t receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while trying to load the page. This problem is actually between servers which you have no control over.
The server is taking so long to respond that it’s “timing out” which can happen if the server is not working properly or it is down. Because this error is usually a network error between servers on the internet, the problem is probably not with your device or computer or internet connection. When you encounter this problem, there are few things you can try to troubleshoot the problem.
You can press F5 on your keyboard to refresh the page or CTRL + F5 to force refresh. If this doesn’t work, check your proxy settings if you are using a proxy and make sure your settings are correct. Another option is to change the DNS servers on your computer. To change your DNS servers, click “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Network and Internet Connections”, and then “Network Connections”.
Right-click your connection and select “Properties”. In “General” tab, scroll down and select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” then click “Properties”.
On the next screen, enter your new DNS servers in “Preferred DNS server” and “Alternate DNS server”. Note that this option is only available if you are using a static IP address or if the option “Use the following IP address” is selected. When you are finished, click “OK”.