Hi there, I was accessing some webpages on the World Wide Web through my web browser. When I ran the desired web-link, an error occurred displaying the message ‘ERROR 403 FORBIDDEN’. What is Error 403 Forbidden, and how can I access the desired webpage?
Know What Is Error 403 Forbidden On The Web
Error 403 is an HTTP error code that is displayed on the browser page, and it means that the webpage owner restricts you from accessing that particular site or the authorities have forbidden the access of that site.
Mostly the site is forbidden or doesn’t exist anymore but, sometimes there could be a problem on the user’s end.
Following methods can be helpful in resolving the error:
• Refresh the webpage.
• Re-check the web URL.
• Clear your browser’s Cache data and Cookies as well.
• Troubleshoot your network.
If none of the above solutions work, then, there’s nothing you can do. You are just not allowed to access it.
You can try VPN services as well; they might help you in accessing the site.