Knowing better Canon 4508B002 CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner

Asked By 130 points N/A Posted on -

I want to buy a new scanner. Can you give me additional information about this peripheral? What are the benefits of using it? Can you give me also instructions on how to install this with my laptop or desktop? What are the pros and cons of this device? What are the available ports with it? What are the available included in its package? Can you tell me more about the software included with it? Which operating system will it work better? Thank you very much!

Answered By 5 points N/A #193713

Knowing better Canon 4508B002 CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner


The canon scanner LIDE 210 is great scanner, It is so light, About 2 pounds only, The accompanying software is also so easy to use, The quality of scanned documents is great, The scanner also runs of Ian power, Which is great for portability, But you should be a little bit careful with the scanner, as some users reported that their scanner broke after few month of usage, about installation , You should plug it to your computer, and install the drivers that comes with the scanner

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