When I try to connect a DAQ MX task from LabVIEW my project crashes and this error appears. The program is working fine but sometimes this error mess up my project. Is there a way to solve this error ? What should I do please ?
Thank you !
LaVIEW: An exception occurred with the extreme code called by Call Library Function Node. This might have corrupted LavVIEW’s memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.
VI “AdvancedTiming.vo:1” was stopped at node” “at a clll to “DAQmxAssistant_DAQmx Get IO Control Info.vi”
Lab view error with call library function
This problem is related to the memory. There can be two reasons for this error.
It is may be the result of corrupt memory.
Or other reason can be the mass overload of start/stop tasks.
If it is because of first reason than do the steps below.
Download the fix
Exit the labview and DSCE engine.
extract the files to the folder.
If you are allow to replace the file then replace it by clicking "Yes"
Check the readme.txt file for detailed instruction to patch your Labview.
If this error is caused by the other reason, ten follow the steps below.
Start and stop the task for once.
Run start task before running the main loop.
Pass the task reference in.
When main loop is done, pass the task wire outside and wait until loop stop and clear the task.
It will give you a value when you call the "read vi"