LabVIEW use Putty Tool Kit

Hi Friends,
How does LabVIEW use Putty Tool Kit to extract and analyze the heart rate data, Please do the needful for explaining the working of the tool kit.
Thanks & Regards,
Angela D Sloan

Hi Friends,
How does LabVIEW use Putty Tool Kit to extract and analyze the heart rate data, Please do the needful for explaining the working of the tool kit.
Thanks & Regards,
Angela D Sloan
PuTTY is a free, open-source terminal Emulator, serial console and network file transfer application. The network protocols supported by puTTY include SCP, SSH, Telnet and rlogin. It has ports for Microsoft Windows and Linux systems.
The PuTTY software package also has a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends named Plink that can be easily used by LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI or TestStand.
The suggested way for using PuTTY to transmit data via SSH, RLOGIN, or RAW from applications is as follows:Â
Build a data script file that you can pass to Plink (PuTTY) via its command line options.
To communicate with and launch the plink.exe executable:
In LabVIEW, use the System Exec VI, which is accessible from the Functions Palette.
Select Connectivity > Libraries & Executables.
LabVIEW Function tab showing Select a VI and connectivity options.
Here are attached very important documents related to LabVIEW function in monitoring heart rate. You must download and study them.…/april-2013-edition?…using-labview…‎‎‎