Languages Best For Android Development

What is Android development? And what languages are best for android development? Which tool can be used for developing android apps? What is the lifecycle of an android application?

What is Android development? And what languages are best for android development? Which tool can be used for developing android apps? What is the lifecycle of an android application?
Android is a popular platform, and a lot of Android applications have been developed. Android has various devices, including televisions, projectors, automobiles, and even vehicles now. Any module running on Android is called an application. Such as a phone has many applications like contacts, phones, cameras and many more. There are various application frameworks like location manager, notification manager, telephony manager, etc. Several libraries are also available such as media libraries, graphics libraries, database libraries, and so on.
Java is the official language used for Android development, and now kotlin is also introduced as the most recent language for Android development.
Android Studio is a tool that is frequently used for developing android apps. It is the IDE for Android development. It is a Java integrated development environment for software. It has immeasurable code editing techniques and easy for beginners.
The android application life cycle has the following phases: onCreate, onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, and onDestroy.
onCreate is called when the application is created. onStart is called when the activity becomes apparent to the user. onResume is called when the activity starts interacting with the user. onPause is called when the previous activity is about to resume. onStop is called when the activity is no longer visible to the user and onDestroy is called when the application is killed that is when it is removed from the RAM.