Languages for developing dynamic website

Hi Reggie Cooper,
 Web Designing or should I say Web Developing is truly a complex thing to do. It needs a lot of programming from different languages to build up a or to develop a dynamic website. There are 3 main languages needed to develop a website. Here they are:
1.      HTML
2.      CSS
3.      XML
Let’s just associate these languages as human body parts. So in this case, we can say that the HTML Language is the structure or the skeleton of the website, the CSS Language is the skin of the website, and the XML Language is the mind of the website.HTML is the one that display the data of the website. CSS is responsible for the design of the website, or shall I say the beauty of the site. And lastly XML is the one responsible for storing and transferring the data of the website. This 3 are the primary languages needed in order to develop a dynamic website.
>>Mathew Joni<<