Laptop Mouse pointer is out of control

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


There is problem in my laptop i.e, HP Compaq NC2600, the mouse pointer of my laptop starts moving automatically after about 30 to 40 minutes as well as the mouse pad or external mouse stop its working. I have to shut down it for about 1hour to stable the laptop.

Best Answer by Henry_55
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Answered By 0 points N/A #118229

Laptop Mouse pointer is out of control


Yes I can help you with this. As you said that this problem occurs after 30 to 40 minutes of starting and then you have to shut it down

I am sure this problem occurs when your system got heated. There can be several possibilities.

May be your laptop is heating up due to which this problem occurs. Please make sure that it is not heating up.

If it is not heating up then there is some problem with your mouse pad sensors but u have also mentioned that same happens with external mouse also. So I am sure that your system is heating up. Take it to some good technician and get this issue solved ASAP.

Answered By 0 points N/A #118230

Laptop Mouse pointer is out of control


You computer is overheating and once you overheat it then the mouse will be out of control especially when your wrist is pressing to hard on the part near the touch pad. I suggest that you ask an expert to fix your problem.

You can also disable your touch pad and then use an external mouse. USB is the more preferable choice because normally laptops have USB slots and PS2 slots exist on only few laptops. But if you have the PS2 slot then buy a PS2 type because it is cheaper while give up a little millisecond speed.

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