Asked By
Anna Rogers
0 points
Posted on - 11/01/2011
My macbook pro is roughly around three years old and I've started to notice with more frequency that the machine does not want to wake up from sleep. I can tap on the keys several times, even open and close the lid and nothing seems to help. Is this a known glitch? Is there a patch fix for it? Any adviceis greatly welcomed andappreciated.
Laptop not waking up from sleep
Hello Anna,
That is really possible to happen anytime because there are issues on power state. Make sure that you have updated the lsted bios and drivers.Being updated on the compatibility of power state is tied closely to bios and drivers which make it critical if you hibernate or sleep your laptop.
You can also try the following steps:
Click or press the power or sleep button to wake it up
Put your laptop on standby mode and then open the lid
Make sure that your battery is full because one of the reason why laptops won't wake up because of dead batteries
If you do all what I mentioned and still not waling up, there may be a problem with your laptop's system power management software.
I hope it helps. Have a good day.
Answered By
0 points
Laptop not waking up from sleep
Hi Anna, I have some advice and looking forward to help and solve your problem i hope it will work nice for you. Regarding your problem that your macbook pro cannot wake up from sleep i suggest and try to detach the cord of power supply and then turn the MBP upside down and also you must remove the battery. After removing the battery now reinstall it and followed by reattaching of the cord or the power cord and then try to press the bower button and test. If not work try to reset your NVRAM and Mac's PRAM and you can check the link credited to here's the link it indicated how to reset your PRAM and NVRAM.
I hope it will answer and solve your problem.
Laptop not waking up from sleep
Hello there! You might want to check your pmset settings by using the following command:
pmset -g profiles
If the lidwake value is 0, it means that your macbook pro will not wake up from sleep when you open the lid. To set it back to its default setting which is waking from sleep whenever the lid is open, type the following command:
sudo pmset lidwake 1
Changes on this will take effect immediately. If this won't work, your worst case scenario is that your logic board is dead. Try bringing it to a laptop technician. Good luck to you!