Laptops and desktop radiation explanation

I need an explanation on how laptops and desktop's radiation affects the user or the people who use it. What will happen if we are always expose to this radiation?How can I avoid it ?

I need an explanation on how laptops and desktop's radiation affects the user or the people who use it. What will happen if we are always expose to this radiation?How can I avoid it ?
Apparently, since we were enlightened by high-technology, we also became victims of radiation albeit not that high that the effect could immediately be seen and felt. In the long run though, the result would still be the same, thus we have to be careful to avoid radiation without sacrificing high-technology from ruling our lives in everything we do. With computer users, the very first part of our body that is affected by radiation is our eyes as we tend to stare at the screen too long regardless if we are just researching, or if we are playing games. To avoid radiation affecting our eyes, we can get screen filters. That is just one effect though. How about with laptops? Some say that because we use the laptop near our reproductive area, infertility or birth defect may be possible due to radiation, thus instead of putting it on our lap, it would be best to use a table or a desk instead. For more health information regarding radiation affecting us through computers, you may also visit