Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 07/24/2011
I have a box running dapper and one running edgy. If I transfer large files from the dapper box to my edgy box (i. e. ssh-server on dapper box, client on edgy-box), it gives me the following error message:
mika@lt-mf:~$ scp*.MOV .
[email protected]'s password:
PICT0015.MOV 9% 1248KB 611.2KB/s 00:20 ETA
Disconnecting: Corrupted MAC on input.
lost connection
This can be reliably reproduced.
The problem does not occur if I transfer it by "pushing" (i. e. ssh-client on dapper-box and ssh-server on edgy box). The problem does also not occur with any other ssh-server.
Answered By
0 points
Large file transfer gives error: Corrupted MAC on input
Researched some and so far this is the best that I can give you yet. When you transfer a large file by Http. It will disconnect and will give you this error: Disconnecting: Corrupted Mac on input. This may very well also happen in SSH, FTP and other protocol as this is a bug with the kernel driver for the network. Nonetheless, I was able to look up a possible means to perhaps solve your issue. I hope you've tried some other methods that you were able to research.
What you can do is this:
Turn off "offload check summing with the following command;
ethtool -k eth0 rx off tx off
*Note: Depending on the Ethernet driver in use, this may very well not work as some of the drivers do not support turning off this feature.