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Posted on - 06/03/2012
Nowadays, computer games are truly in demand and for some people who really enjoys playing online, they are willing to spend a lot just to be satisfied with their gaming activities. Therefore, what would you think is the latest and the best CPU processor for gaming PC?
Latest CPU Processors for Gaming PC
If you love games you must have a good quality processor and a fast one. Intel launch its 2012 processor the i7-2700k, it was launch last year Nov. 2011. With the release of iv bridge last april 2012. it comes with 4 cores of processing power and when performance dictates those cores can be used as 8 threads. This is especially useful for those of you who do significant amounts of multitasking; however, during gaming sessions you probably wouldn't notice the difference.
Latest CPU Processors for Gaming PC
Hello Techy_Savvy,
Hi there, as of May 2013, here the best gaming processors:
Intel Core i5-3570K ($220)
Intel Core i7-3770K ($330)
Intel Core i7-3930K ($570)
These processors have been tested with a wide variety of games that demand highly on computer specifications. Not only that these processors exceed the expectations of gamers in terms of performance but they also meet the budget limits. So if you are a hardcore gamer and is on a strict budget then here are the cost effective processors for your gaming needs.