Latest Desktop Gadget For Windows 7 64 Bit

Desktop gadget for windows that is free? What are the uses of these gadgets? Is it available for Windows 10? Why was it discontinued in versions after Windows 7?

Desktop gadget for windows that is free? What are the uses of these gadgets? Is it available for Windows 10? Why was it discontinued in versions after Windows 7?
The best free gadgets are App Launcher, Stock Meter, Stopwatch gadget, Digital Clock, WeatherBug, Battery Meter, All CPU Meter, Calendar, Network Meter, Speed Test, Clipboard Manager, Remote Desktop, etc. These gadgets are helpful in providing shortcuts to different apps, show statuses of system and weather, etc. The supports for these gadgets have been stopped after Windows 7 as they are found to have security vulnerabilities.
If you are looking for different gadgets to install on Windows, you can try CPUID HWMonitor. It is a free hardware monitoring application that reads PC systems main health sensors like voltages, fans speed, and temperatures. The software handles the most common sensor chips such as ITE IT87 series, the majority of Winbond ICs, and more.
Added to that, it is also capable of reading modern CPUs on-die core thermal sensors including hard drive temperatures through the S.M.A.R.T. feature and video card GPU temperature. The program provides one setup file or installer for both x86 and x64 operating systems. Another tool that will allow you to see the temperature of your processor is with a Windows gadget called “All CPU Meter” by
This is the one I’m currently using. This gadget allows you to display on your screen the temperature readings of your processor cores including the amount of free and used RAM and virtual memory or page file. Unfortunately, the gadget will require you to install a third-party program called “PC Meter” so the gadget can display the temperature readings.
It installs perfectly on 64-bit Windows 7. To try it, go to All CPU Meter and download it or click All CPU Meter ZIP to download the ZIP file directly. Once downloaded, unpack the ZIP file then double-click “All_CPU_Meter_V4.7.3.gadget” to install. At first, you will not have temperature readings from your processor.
To display the temperature, you need to download PC Meter 0.4 Beta. Unpack the ZIP file on a new folder on your system drive then right-click “PCMeterV0.4.exe” and select “Run as administrator.” In PC Meter window, go to “Options” and check “Run On Windows Startup” or check everything. After this, go back to the All CPU Meter gadget, right-click it, and select “Options.”
Next, go to “Options” tab then in “Show CPU temperatures,” select “ON (PC Meter).” Set the other options if you like then click “OK” when you are finished.