Launch of Apple iPad with tablets in Microsoft software

Apple iPad with tablets will come out in the market.
When will be the launch of Apple iPad with tablets running in Microsoft software?

Apple iPad with tablets will come out in the market.
When will be the launch of Apple iPad with tablets running in Microsoft software?
Hi there! I don’t quite understand what you mean by “Apple iPad with tablets running in Microsoft software.” If you’re talking about “running” a Microsoft Office software in iPad, it is not possible because Apple and Microsoft have a totally different operating systems. But if you’re talking about “opening” a Microsoft Office FILES in iPad, such as MS Word, MS Excel or MS Powerpoint, it is now possible using “iWork” for iOS.
You can use iWork to open documents of different file formats. It can also export files to PDF. You can also save file as plain text tile, as html or image file. IWork is also available for iPod touch and iPhone.
I don’t think that’s possible because Apple devices such as iPad, iPod touch, and iPhones are exclusive to iOS operating system. I don’t think Apple will like it when an Apple iPhone or an Apple iPad is running Microsoft Windows instead of their own iOS platform. Apple and Microsoft are obviously rival companies and I don’t think that kind of idea will be possible.
Apple is so strict that iOS devices need applications that strictly come from the Apple App Store or else you won’t be able to install any application onto your iPhone Smartphone. But even if this is the case, there are still users that managed to find a way to install unauthorized applications by jailbraking their handsets even though it will void the warranty of their handsets.
They do this to minimize software piracy. If Apple will allow their models to run Microsoft Windows operating system, I think it will only increase the possibility of software piracy thinking that Microsoft Windows allows installation of applications from different sources because they don’t restrict it from only a single source.