Learn About Image To Binary Converter And Details.

Last night I came across a thing called image to binary converter. Â As I have no idea about this can you please help me in getting to know this? Reply ASAP.

Last night I came across a thing called image to binary converter. Â As I have no idea about this can you please help me in getting to know this? Reply ASAP.
As we all know that every image has red, green and blue as the main primary colors. Therefore try finding out the sum of the values in given pixel position. If we get sum as greater than zero then the value will always be 1 that is white color otherwise zero that is black color. You need to follow the given steps to convert a red green blue image to a binary image. Try converting the red green blue image into required grayscale image. Try finding a threshold value. If we get the value at the given pixel position is greater than the calculated threshold value then the value will be 1 called white else zero black.