To Learn About Mapping Drives In Windows 7.
Hello, I want to merge my drives in my computer, but I am not able to. Can you please help me mapping drives inWindows7?
Hello, I want to merge my drives in my computer, but I am not able to. Can you please help me mapping drives inWindows7?
Follow the steps to drive a map
1. Click on Computer in the start menu.
2. Click on Map Network Drive, when the next menu pops.
3. Type this path in the folder box. example\servername.cit.cornell.edufoldername or\myserver.mydomain.cornell.edue$.
4. Click on Connect Using Different Credentials followed by Finish.
5. Write your login name and password of the domain, in the username box.
You can also use the path if you want to map a drive using the command line:Â
Note: If you want to map a drive using the cmd, type: net use x: \myserver.cit.cornell.edusharename * /user: domainnetid.