Learn About Pass Fail Formula In Excel In Detail.

Hi all,
I want to know about the pass fail formula in excel or how to use the ‘If’ function in Excel.
If someone knows about this, please reply.
Thank you.

Hi all,
I want to know about the pass fail formula in excel or how to use the ‘If’ function in Excel.
If someone knows about this, please reply.
Thank you.
Let us assume that you want to decide either “Pass” or “Fail” for a student according to their test score. For that, you must check the score for each student and then return “Pass” or “Fail.”
Consider this image
Now, look at the score in cell C6. Now, you want to check this score to see if is less than 70 or more than 70; then you would use the comparison:
It implies that “C6 bears a value which is more than or equal to 70.”Now, provide a value that the function will return in case the test is TRUE, and value to return if the test is FALSE.
Combining it together, the formula for D6 will become:
=IF(C6>=70, “Pass”, “Fail”)