I am getting this system 32 error Windows 7 on my system. The error says, “Windows could not start because this file is missing: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM.”
Does someone know how to solve this issue?
Learn About System 32 Error Windows 7 In Detail
You can restore the corrupted registry by following these steps:
1. First, download the Easy Recovery Essentials software.
2. Then, burn the image carefully.
3. Now, boot your PC from the Recovery Essentials CD or the USB that you created.
4. Once the software starts running, just choose the option “Automated Repair” and then click Continue.
5. It will now scan your computer’s drives, and select the letter of the drive for your Window.
6. After the process is over, it will state its findings. Now, restart your computer.
7. The error should be fixed now as your system begins to load.