Learn About The Different SIP Error Codes And Their Properties.

Hi. I am a non-IT person and don’t have any technical background. But, I want to know about a few SIP error codes and their features? Hope you reply to the earliest.

Hi. I am a non-IT person and don’t have any technical background. But, I want to know about a few SIP error codes and their features? Hope you reply to the earliest.
Hi. In SIP error codes, SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol. A few SIP errors are SIP error 480, SIP error 486, SIP error 503, etc. 480 is related to the ‘temporarily unavailable.’ 486 is occurred as ‘busy here.’ It occurs to a sender when a receiver is busy on another call. It tells the caller to wait for a few seconds. 503 will be encountered as ‘service unavailable.’ It occurs when a receiver is rejecting a call.The errors by SIP tells a sender about the working state of the receiver, with which a sender recognizes the activities going on that particular state and can be modified later. Authorization of a device helps the user to know about its authentication.