Learn About The Windows Error Code 0x80070017 And The Measures To Fix It.

Hi. While copying a file on my computer, I got the Windows error code 0x80070017. What are the measures to be taken to fix it?

Hi. While copying a file on my computer, I got the Windows error code 0x80070017. What are the measures to be taken to fix it?
Hi. The Windows error code 0x80070017 tells about the failure of copying files. A few techniques to handle it are by using the cleaned disk for copying or installation; by checking the destination desk and much more. It can also be resolved by installing the USB drive for ISO file and by disabling the software’s security which can be done on PC.
You may receive error code “0x80070017” in two cases: one, when you are trying to install the Microsoft Windows operating system and two, when you are trying to install an update or Windows Update on your computer. If you receive the error when installing the Microsoft Windows operating system, it means you are probably installing from a DVD drive.
If this is the case then the problem is because of the inability to read some files from the DVD disc. One possible cause is a damaged or unreadable disc. To go around the problem, perform the installation from a USB flash drive.
If you don’t like installing Windows from a USB flash drive, the last option is to burn the image or the ISO file on a blank DVD disc or DVD-R. On the other hand, if you receive the error when installing a Windows Update, try doing this. Click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories” then right-click “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator” to start an elevated command prompt.
In the command prompt window, type the following commands then hit Enter after every command:
net stop wuauserv
cd %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution
ren Download Download.old
net start wuauserv
After this, install the Windows Update again and see if it works.