Learn About Wiiwifi Error Code 51330 Correction.

I am unable to access internet and I am getting an error named wiiwifi error code 51330. Please help me in fixing this as I have no idea what this is. Replay ASAP.

I am unable to access internet and I am getting an error named wiiwifi error code 51330. Please help me in fixing this as I have no idea what this is. Replay ASAP.
Wiiwifi Error Code 51330 is an error caused due to some mishandling in configuration of router. Check for encryption or security change sin your router like WEP to WPA etc. and check if your system reflects the same. Check if you are entering the correct key. Check for MAC Filtering. If enabled put your system’s mac address in the list otherwise disable MAC Filtering. Try by giving IP address and DNS manually in the settings. If manually configuring doesn’t work then open command prompt and type:
Restart your router. The problem is fixed.