Learn Disk Error Occurred Press Ctrl Alt Del Features.

When I was playing csgo on my laptop when suddenly an error occurred called disk error occurred press ctrl alt del. After that my laptop just got hung. Please help.

When I was playing csgo on my laptop when suddenly an error occurred called disk error occurred press ctrl alt del. After that my laptop just got hung. Please help.
This is a very common error which almost everyone gets. You laptop might completely get stuck and unable to work until you restart. This error is called y a particular program which you are currently running. Therefore the solution to this problem is to press crtl alt det to get the windows box from where you called shut down the currently running program. Hope this helps.
If a disk error suddenly happened while playing a game, there maybe something wrong with your hard drive. Any problem related to the hard drive may cause the system to froze or sometimes suddenly restart. Since you have a disk error, try checking the cables connected to your hard drive. Shut down your computer and open the CPU case. Look for your hard drive inside and check the cables.
Try disconnecting both the ribbon cable and the power supply cable from the hard drive. After removing them, plug them back to the hard drive and make sure the cables are securely connected. After this, start your computer then press the DEL button on your keyboard to go to the BIOS. In the BIOS screen, go to the hard disk section and detect your hard disk.
Make sure your hard disk is detected without a problem. When the hard disk is successfully detected, save the current settings and boot the computer. Try playing the game again and see if the disk error happens again.