Learn How To Ping To Mac Addressusing A Simple Method

Hi. I don’t even know how to ping some other address but would love to know how to do it. How can we ping to Mac address? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I don’t even know how to ping some other address but would love to know how to do it. How can we ping to Mac address? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To ping to Mac address, first click on start and type cmd in the search bar to open the command prompt. Next, click ob enter to open the prompt window. Then, run the ARP command by typing arp in the cmd and then press enter. This will list all the commands which are available and can be used along with the arp command. To obtain a list of IP addresses associated with the Mac addressed, type arp-a in the cmd.
Next, locate the IP address which is associated with the Mac address from under the physical address menu. Then, after you have the IP address which is to be pinged, type ping in the cmd followed by the IP address and press enter. Hope we helped.