Learn How To Fix The Issue ‘my Dell Computer Won’t Turn On’

Hi, ‘my dell computer won’t turn on’. Please help me to fix this issue. Reply me ASAP. Thank you in advance.

Hi, ‘my dell computer won’t turn on’. Please help me to fix this issue. Reply me ASAP. Thank you in advance.
Hi, if you have the issue ‘my dell computer won’t turn on’ follow the below steps. Most of the computers won’t turn on because of power supply problem. First, you need to disconnect all your cables and reconnect to your system, and then restart your computer. And another thing you need to do is remove RAM from your CPU and clean it with a smooth cotton cloth and place it again; then your computer will turn on quickly.
If you have a Dell desktop computer and it won’t turn on, check the power cable at the back of your CPU if it is connected properly. Also check the cable if it is plugged firmly to the power outlet and then turn on the CPU.
If still it won’t turn on, check the cooling fan of the power supply at the back of the CPU if it is working. If it is not even if you press on the power button of the CPU, the power supply needs to be replaced.
If you don’t know how to replace the power supply, just bring the CPU to a computer service center for proper servicing to replace the power supply with a new one. But if you do know how to replace the power supply, disconnect all the cables from the motherboard and other devices and remove the power supply from the CPU.
Buy a new power supply from a computer store and install it on your CPU. On the other hand, if the cooling fan of the power supply is working but the CPU won’t turn on, the problem can be in the motherboard or the power supply. If you have another power supply, test the motherboard on this power supply.
But if you do not have any spare power supply, you need to bring it to a computer service center for proper checking. I’ve encountered an instance where the CPU won’t turn on but the power supply cooling fan is working. I thought the problem was with the motherboard because the power supply seems to be working. But when the power supply was replaced, the CPU turned on.