Learn or Practice MySQL Online In Safety
Sometimes we are trying to learn or practice MySQL online. Is it safe?
Learn or Practice MySQL Online In Safety
Sometimes we are trying to learn or practice MySQL online. Is it safe?
Learn or Practice MySQL Online In Safety
Just install MySQL on your own computer and Apache web server, and you've got your own test environment, without having to go online. They are free.
Since I think you are looking for an online tutorial website to learn SQL, you may try W3Schools.com. This website offers free online tutorial on SQL and other web programming languages like ASP.NET, JavaScript, HTML, and more. SQL is the standard language for accessing a database or different databases. The site offers tutorials on Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Access, Sybase, and other database systems. To start your free online tutorial on SQL, visit SQL Tutorial.
SQL Tutorial
SQL Advanced
You can learn MySQL from any verified website like https://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp. I will recommend you to use above website as it is safe and referred by MIT for MySQL learning.You can learn all about MySQL through tutorials from there.Also you can see lectures on MySQL on video streaming websites like YouTube and others.