Learn The Steps To Insert The Password Reset Disk
Hi. I am not very fond of computers and do not know much about it. What are the steps to insert the password reset disk? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. I am not very fond of computers and do not know much about it. What are the steps to insert the password reset disk? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. The steps to insert the password reset disk require you first to click on start and then click on control panel. Next, click on user accounts and from the user accounts which appear, select the account you wish to work with. Then, prevent a forgotten password needs to be selected from the related tasks and then click on next. After this, insert a disk into the drive and click on next. Then, type the password in the current account password box and click on next. Then, the disk is created by the forgotten password wizard.
After this, click on next after the progress wizard completes and then click on finish. Then, remove the password reset disk and keep it in a place which is safe. Hope we helped.