Learn The Steps To Install DVD Decoder For Windows XP.

Hi. I am not a very computer-related person. I want to learn the steps to install DVD decoder for Windows XP. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I am not a very computer-related person. I want to learn the steps to install DVD decoder for Windows XP. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. The steps to install DVD decoder for Windows XP require you first to go to the Microsoft website and click on download. Then, open the downloaded file and follow the instructions appearing on the screen to finish the installation. Then, open the IE and go to the download site of VLC and then download the correct version of the software which is compatible with the PC. Then, double-click on the file to install the decoder.
Then, complete the installation by following the instructions which appear on-screen. Alternatively, insert the DVD into the computer and the install the software for the DVD player. Next, open the media player and find the codecs of the decoder on the website of Microsoft. After you buy the required codecs, they will install the installation file is clicked and become ready for use.
Hope we helped.