Hi, my computer was working properly fine from the time I bought it. But, now from the past two weeks, I am facing problem in connecting it to the college’s wifi network. I used different steps to resolve this issue but couldn’t get a proper solution for this. The message I am getting says “Windows cannot configure the wireless connection.” Please help me out and reply ASAP. Thanks.
Learn The Steps To Follow When Windows Cannot Configure This Wireless Connection While Trying To Connect To Any Wifi Network.
In some of the computers, there is a third-party software installed by the companies itself which configure and manages all the wireless connections. Also, there are other packages which are already present in the processors itself sometimes, like the ones provided by Intel which use to manage and control all the wireless connections. So in the first step, you have to go and uninstall the third-party software, if any and then restart the PC and check whether the computer is detecting the wireless network or not.
If the above-mentioned step is not resolving the issue, then you have to start the zero wireless configuration service. For this solution, you have to go to Start menu, then choose Control Panel, then go to Administrative Tools, and then click on Services. From all the options try to find ‘Wireless Zero Configuration.’ Check whether the status is showing started or not. If ‘not started’ mark is showing as the option, then click on the ‘start’ tab and the issue will be solved then.