Learn To Resolve Skyrim Runtime Error R6025 Within Seconds.

I was using Skyrim on my Windows 7, but suddenly this error popped up on the screen stating skyrim runtime error r6025.
Does anyone know how to solve this bug?

I was using Skyrim on my Windows 7, but suddenly this error popped up on the screen stating skyrim runtime error r6025.
Does anyone know how to solve this bug?
This error seems like MS Visual C++ is in corrupt condition some how. Skyrim uses C++ version 2010.
– You will notice an installer is there for Visual C++ 2010 placed in Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim.
– Then, find the folder with the name “VCRedist.”
-Next, run the installer present in this folder – vcredist_x86.exe.
-A dialog box will pop up asking if you wish to Repair or Remove. Choose one of them.
You might require only repairing, but if you continue having errors after a repair
then run the installer again and select remove.