Learn What Is Difference Between Blogs And Microblogs

Hi, yesterday when I was surfing the web then I come to know two different terms.Please inform me, about the difference between blogs and microblog?

Hi, yesterday when I was surfing the web then I come to know two different terms.Please inform me, about the difference between blogs and microblog?
Blogs & Microblogs both are forms of social networking. They differ in the following manner:-
Blogs -: Blogs may be itself or just a part of a website.It describes the event like picture, video or audio and that’s all done by an individual or in a group.
There are many types of blogs-:
1) Photoblogs
2) Videoblogs(vlogging in short)
3) Book-tour blog
Microblogs -: It is also a type of blogging but the only difference in size only. It also posts topics same as a traditional blogger -like about their daily activities. As we texting on facebook status or twitter that’s all come into microblogs
A “blog” is a diary or a journal of ideas published online without limiting the number of characters. You can create and post it as long as you like. You won’t have any limitation on the length of your composition. The owner has the liberty to express his or her opinion regarding one or more topics.
The posts or articles the owner creates are shown or displayed from newest to oldest. The blogger or the owner has full control over the comments and can allow other users to follow the blog. “Microblogging,” on the other hand, is a combination of messaging and blogging. It allows users to create a short message and post it on their profile.
It allows users to exchange small elements of content like few sentences, individual images as well as video links. These small posts are called “micro posts.”