Asked By
alwyn white
20 points
Posted on - 04/17/2012
I'm very interested in Apple or iOS programming however, I don't have any knowledge in any kind of programming. I learned that Cocoa is a programming language for Apple or iOS programming. My question is, is it OK if I start l start with Cocao programming or should I learn other languages first?
Answered By
0 points
Learning Cocoa For Ultimate Beginners
Hello there,
Since you are a beginner in programming, my suggestion is you learn first the basic language of programming which is the HTML, Java before you jump to Cocoa. Because in programming the most important thing is you understand the logic of how the program run. And you must be fully aware that in programming there are different kinds of code depending on the language you use. Good Luck
Learning Cocoa For Ultimate Beginners
Hi Alwyn,
I am suggesting to do some light reading regarding other programming languages just to give you an overview of how it works and it will also help you to understand the terms used throughout the course. However, for Cocoa you must have a good knowledge about another language called Objective-C. Cocoa and Objective-C goes hand in hand in creating a framework.