I want to know more about Visual Basic before I start on coding? What is visual programming? What do you mean by event-driven programming? What is Visual basic? What do you mean of IDE in Visual basic? What are the uses of Events? What is the purpose of FORMS? What are the perfect way to utilize CONTROLS? Can you give me samples of controls that I can use in Visual Studio? What is the technique used to create GUI? What is GUI by the way? Please provide assistance. Thank you!
Learning Visual Basic 2015 or VB in an easier way
Hello Marie!
Visual programming is technique used to create GUI by pointing and clicking the mouse buttons. It reduces the time and pain-staking situation of the programmers to create dynamic objects. Event-driven in VB is just by clicking object and entering code according to code design view window.
Form is a basic element in graphical user interface. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) helps the programmers to create programs quickly by using the objects available in the tools window, the code window makes it easier for the user to define and encode the declarations and commands. It eliminates also the difficulties in finding the errors or problem with the program itself. Events are actions made and done by the user to interact with the computer by double-click, single-click and or pressing a key. The good use of controls in VB is that it makes easier for the programmer to declare the objects like form, labels, texts, command buttons and more. The controls are located in the tool box.