Lenovo has launched the Vibe X2 in India for few days back with the codename Lenovo X2Pt5. I heard that it runs on Android Kitkat. But I would like to know whether the processor is clocked at 2 GHz or 1.5 GHz. Can anyone help me with this information please?
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Lenovo VibeX2 octa-core MediaTek processor clocked at 2 GHz or 1.5 GHz?
Lenovo Vibe X2 is a nice smartphone with Android OS. The hardware specification is quite good to handle Android 4.4.
It is powered by Octa-core 2 GHz processor that supports robust gaming performance and fast speed with any task. It also have 2GB RAM, the perfect configuration for heavy gaming. That means, any task with this phone can be done fast and effectively.
You can find out the full specification of Lenovo Vibe X2 here.