Asked By
ann tanner
20 points
Posted on - 05/22/2012
I upgraded some drivers in Lenovo, which includes Bios to V1.20. While I am upgrading the Wireless Bluetooth Enhanced Info Price computer software II to version, which is being offered on the drivers pertaining to t400s, this error message occurred nearly at the end. (I’m sorry the OS is in Dutch): "there has been a wrong step while installing the partial insurance policy ….” See the screenshot of the error below:
Error:Er is een fout opgetreden tijders de installate van het onderdeel policy.8.o.Microsoft.vc80.CRT,type="win32-policy",ve rsion="8.o.50727.42",ppublicken token="1fc8b3b9a 1e1 8e3b"processore Architecture="amd64".Zie Help en…
The update rolled back automatically, but probably it is not complete yet, because when I start rebooting it with BT enabled, I get another error that says: “This program can not be started due to btwhidcs, DLL is missing on your computer. You can resolve this issue by simply re-installing the program. ”
I restored the file of the previous version from my back files but I am not able to re-install it. I am still getting the same error messages again. With previous bios, i must have been able to install, because that was the version I checked before running the update.
How do I resolve this (other than carrying out a complete program re-establish)? Shouldn't I be able to install the new driver properly? If not, how can I bring back BTtray.exe?
Lenovo Wireless Bluetooth Upgrade Error Message and DLL Missing (BTWHIDCS)
It seems that when the system automatically rolled back because of the error, the operation affected Bluetooth’s driver. Try restoring your computer to its previous state using the System Restore. Restore your machine to the time before you attempted to update your computer. If there are no available restore points for the restoration, I think you need to completely uninstall Bluetooth from your machine then restart your computer. After booting the system, check your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. Next, don’t attempt on installing the original Bluetooth driver since it is already an older version. Download the latest version of your computer’s Bluetooth device using your web browser. Doing this, you will avoid having the previous error because this time you are actually downloading the installer for the Bluetooth manually.
When the download is finished, scan it first with your antivirus. Then uninstall your current version of the Bluetooth application and then install the newly downloaded installer for your Bluetooth. Just wait for it to finish and then configure it.