Electronics giant LG has confirmed the launch of a multi-platform cloud based storage device. What is a cloud based storage device and what is the specialty of this kind of storage device? Is it LG who first launched cloud based storage device?
LG has launched a multi-platform cloud based storage device.
Before learning about cloud storage devices, you have to get a clear idea about cloud storage. So the questions took place like, what is cloud storage?
Basically cloud storage is a model of network with online storage. In that case, here data are stored in a virtualized pool. Generally this virtualized pool takes place as a third party.
The data which are operated by hosted companies, and peoples use their service by purchasing or leasing. Visit here for better understanding- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_storage
If you understand that, it’s may be now clear to you. The devices are used to get the cloud network and we can able to use this network through such this types of devices is called cloud based storage devices. View this site- http://www.thetop10bestonlinebackup.com/cloud-storage
LG is not the first company who launched cloud storage devices first. The famous apple’s icloud storage is existing one in the world of techtainment. https://www.apple.com/icloud/setup/
Hope you understand all the discussion.