LG’s focusing on making Smartphones and now quitting on tablets

LG is quitting on making tablets and are now trying to focus on creating their smartphone portfolio instead. When do they plan on getting back in making LG tablets again?

LG is quitting on making tablets and are now trying to focus on creating their smartphone portfolio instead. When do they plan on getting back in making LG tablets again?
Hi! Aniela0615! Indeed, a question like yours is a hot is a hot issue across oceans. I have dealt a lot of questions here at TechyV.com about smartphones, laptops, tablets and many more gadgets. It only shows that top companies like Apple, Microsoft, Dell, LG, Toshiba and a lot more are making good sales on their products.
I have searched the internet to find related topics about your concern. It is confirmed that LG is really going to focus more on building smartphones and less in tablets. This is because of the hot competition happening between companies. However, this does not mean they will stop their tablet market forever. Articles said that they will start producing tablets again only after they can compete to other products like the Apples’ iPad.
Hello Aniela0615,
IÂ am glad that you post your queries here. I strongly agree with Henry Torno. As what I have read on the net they are pulling out there tablets for developments and to focus more on smartphones because these are latest trends. LG failed its goal in competing Apples dominance. It is also in the news that Microsoft is entering a Microsoft tablet but LG doesn't see it as a threat.
The only thing we can do is to wait on when they can launch those tablet again and for there new smartphones. But there are rumors that they will release tablets and smartphones in the middle of August for these year.