I was using license manager to checkout my products working legally and properly but this morning I have come up with this error “License checkout failed”. Can you identify the solution of this problem? I would be really thankful to you.

License Manger Error .9
License checkout failed
The hostid of your computer (“00269eac1b9a00ae646bb082”) does not match the hostid of the license
File (b79af).
License Manger Error 9 License checkout failed
In MATLAB, “License Manager Error -9” signifies that there are multiple problems with your license file. The following are the possible causes:
* The username in the license file does not match the username of the user who is trying to run MATLAB
* The Host ID in the license file doesn’t match the Host ID of the computer
* The computer doesn’t have a drive C (C:) in Windows, eth0 interface in Linux, or en0 interface in Mac
* In Windows, the computer has a drive B (B:)
* You have a Designated Computer license and the license is already being used by another user (R2008a and higher)
*On Mac, after installing MATLAB you upgraded your operating system to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
Student licenses are also known as Standalone Named User licenses. To fix this issue, you need to re-activate MATLAB. On Microsoft Windows, if you have a student license, click Start, All Programs, go to the MATLAB folder, and then click Activate MATLAB. If you are using OS X, press and hold the CTRL button then click on the MATLAB icon.
Next, select Show Package Contents and then click Activate in the Applications folder. Follow the activation process like what you did before. When you reach the point where it asks you for your Windows Username on Windows or your Computer Login Name on OS X, make sure the username you are entering is the exact username you are using to log in to your computer.
Click Next and then continue with the activation process to complete. Take note, you can re-activate as many times as you need to be able to make this work.