Limited availability of apple software

There are many reasons for this. Most of the Apple products or software are not available like Windows software. If you look around you will see that Windows software can be found as a complete package. This is why this software is available all around.
But Apple products don't come in full packages. Apple products are an open source. So every one who needs Apple products, he can create necessary applications / program for it. That’s why you cannot find them largely available. Most of the users of Apple products are creating and using their own applications.
I think the main reason why Apple products are not widely available is to ensure that each product released and sold has the highest quality for the consumer to enjoy its money’s worth. And also I think to add protection against hardware and software piracy which is very rampant worldwide.
If you will look at Microsoft’s products, you will learn that you can find it almost anywhere in the world. This is good, of course, for the company’s profit. But you are also increasing the risk of exposing the products to piracy and this is also what’s happening right now.