Hi there!
I am having a little trouble and I am hoping you’ll be able to help me. I got one of those Link Stations from Buffalo. The first time I used it, it worked just fine sharing files with my PVR, but now it stopped working. It also won’t share through the laptop. I got a switch and a router that will be used to share with the computer but it would not do the same for the laptop.
I was wondering if it has something to do with my 2TB hard drive. I hope to hear from you.
Linkstation from buffalo not working properly
To fix Link Station you need to go inside of it. In this case, you need to do just two steps.
First one is called Link Station disassembly. You can do it in this way:
1.      First remove the front sticky plastic panel.
2.      Then remove gray trim option from the panel.
3.      Remove rear panel from front of it.
4.      Remove 2x PSU and 4x PCB
5.      Now store all the bits in a safe place.
 All data bits are safe; then reconfigure Link Station and run it again so that you can work with it. Then restore those bits from safe storage.
Linkstation from buffalo not working properly
The hard drive that you have, the 2 TB one, should not have anything to do with how the files are shared in your network. The failure to share the files may be caused by wrong configuration of the device. Or, it's possible that the device may have gone through some power surge, which may have caused the corruption in its configuration.
Try and access the configuration page of your Link Station and make sure everything is set right. In your laptop computer, make sure your firewall allows traffic going to and from your network. If the Link Station works on another computer but not on the laptop, it's likely that the Link Station has been configured to not share, this particular laptop computer or the laptop itself is blocking traffic.