Asked By
Jerry Kent
0 points
Posted on - 03/21/2012
When accessing the internet using my Linux PC, I connected it through a switch.
Today, I cannot access any connection and I really don't have any idea why. Is it because of Linux?
How can I correct this issue?
Linux causing the network failure in internet access
Well, with Linux, you will have to make sure that the eth0 have an IP address to have it connected successfully to the internet. Do you happen to have a DHCP server on your LAN? If these are not working, you get a Static IP address for the eth0. Just open '/etc/network/interfaces' then remove all other interfaces up to wlan0. Now, make sure that your Static IP address is going to be compatible with your router’s internal LAN but it would be much easier if you will just let your router assign a dynamic IP address so that everything is going to be set up for you. Here are some websites that will give you the procedures you further need to make your internet connection work with Linux Operating System: