Asked By
Brown Meade
10 points
Posted on - 11/15/2011
Hi guys,
I need to know the difference between Linux Mint Debian and GNOME version, when it comes to performance and user experience? Which one is preferable?
If the Linux desktop is still difficult to use, is there anything that can be done to improve it?
LINUX Mint Debian and GNOME version differences
Hello Brown Meade,
Differences in the various distributions of Linux might be in how the command line has bee implemented, but for Linux Mint Debian and GNOME, they bear the following differences.
Linux Mint Debian version seems to be much faster as compared to the GNOME version hence it is has been hoped that it will become the main version of Linux and be even more faster the its competitor, windows.
But GNOME has an advantage over Linux Mint Debian when it comes the space it occupies on the system; GNOME is much lighter.
Linux Mint Debian provides a very user friendly interface in a lighter package as compared to GNOME, and it also has a large repository, it has been fully stabilized and therefore attracts more users as compared to GNOME.
Clair Charles
LINUX Mint Debian and GNOME version differences
This is a good question. I already used both of these software’s and experienced with them.
Actually Linux Mint is the latest operating system among them.
About the performances, Linux mint is lighter and the faster among them. And also it uses the structure that little bit closer to windows environment. It is user friendly and easier to use.
But there are drawbacks also. There are few problems with the plugging and supportive software’s for the Linux mint.
However as an operating system both GNORM and DEBIAN are good and perfect.
But if you are person that want to study the core of the OS use GNORM
LINUX Mint Debian and GNOME version differences
Linux Mint Debian and GNOME are Linux operating system which is good to use.
Linux Mint Debian is the latest than GNOME, so you expect to find better features of Linux Mint Debian than GNOME LIKE Linux Mint Debian looks closer to windows, compare to user friendliness Linux Mint Debian is good ,and in terms of speed Linux Mint Debian is faster.
When comparing to interface of course Linux Mint Debian is better, that’s why more users will attract to user Linux Mint Debian than GNOME. So the conclusion on this question is the latest, the better. Hope it gives you an idea.