List Of Some Free Vulnerability Scanner Tools

Hey, I need some freeware for checking vulnerability for my assignments. Are there any free vulnerability scanner tools available? A couple of them could help. Thanks in advance.

Hey, I need some freeware for checking vulnerability for my assignments. Are there any free vulnerability scanner tools available? A couple of them could help. Thanks in advance.
Hey there, yes. There are plenty of them available. I’ll list a few of them for you. You can always explore the internet for more, in case you need.
1. Retina CS Community
Provides vulnerability scanning along with patching for common third-party apps such as Firefox and Adobe, including Microsoft.
2. OpenVAS
A free security scanner platform where most of the components are licensed under GNU General Public Licence.
3. MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser)
Is able to perform locally as well as remote scans of servers and desktops of Windows, identifies missing service packs if any, security patches and misconfigurations in security.
Others include:
4. Nexpose Community Edition
5. SecureCheq
6. Qualys FreeScan
Hope it helps!