List The Order Management Software For Small Business And Its Working

Hello, list the various order management software for small business and also notify what does it do for the better reference only. Reply asap and thanks for the same.

Hello, list the various order management software for small business and also notify what does it do for the better reference only. Reply asap and thanks for the same.
Hello, there are various order management software for small business present in the market such as talech, brand order, unicommerse and many more. Basically it is used to buy the products over the online systems only and also it gives you features such as live demo for it, webinars and many other as well. Also it is present for the IOS also. The price will start form Rs 1500 and more as per your choices. Below shows its roles:
• It is used to create the view points for it.
• It creates new orders.
• Also forecasts the inventory levels as well.
• It checks and verify the returns too.
• It views over the voice commands.