I used Ubuntu as a live user last night and I downloaded many software for it including Wine, AbiWord etc. Today, I checked my hard drive and those software were nowhere to be seen. They were not on the CD either. Where have the software gone? Aren't the data of live session saved?
Live OS data not saved, what to do?
Though I haven’t used the Linux Ubuntu Live CD yet, I guess it is easy to track where you have downloaded the files or the software when you used the live CD. When you are using the live CD version of Linux Ubuntu, it means you are booting the computer from a CD or DVD and you are running the operating system from the live CD.
In this case, it is possible that all file transfers are temporary. When you logout from Linux Ubuntu and ejected the CD, all files and programs you have downloaded may have been deleted since you are running the operating system virtually and the files can’t be saved on the CD.
You can track where Linux Ubuntu saves the files by inserting the Linux Ubuntu live CD then downloading a program. Check the location of the downloaded file. If it is on a temporary folder or in a virtual drive created by Linux Ubuntu, transfer it to your hard drive. Before logging off from the live CD, make sure all programs you have downloaded are already transferred to your hard drive.